Wednesday, February 16, 2005

NHL Season Cancelled

While professional hockey has fallen off the radar screen in recent months, a glimmer of hope surfaced in the last couple of days that a mini-season could be salvaged. Indeed, NHL and NHLPA officials were in talks within the last 48 hours and each side offered compromises on major sticking points. The NHL's lockout was designed to call the players' bluff. It did not work and many players went to Europe where there is arguably greater appreciation for the game. We are sorry the season has ended on this note, both as fans and labor lawyers who believe in the process of collective bargaining. That process was not well served in this case and will probably be the subject of great debate. The NHL asked for this showdown and it got one. At least there is still college hockey which is a much better game anyway, even if it is a challenge to find televised coverage for those of us who don't live in New England or the upper Midwest. See the Washington Post news story.


At 11:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least we'll have a baseball season this year. Go Nats!

Here's a labor law question for you: if the Major League Ballplayers' Association is the exclusive bargaining representative for baseball players, how can they get away with allowing agents to negotiate wages, which in the traditional world of collective bargaining, are mandatory subjects of bargaining?

At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello there Peer & Gan, I thought I would check out some blog sites for info I could use at my website. I started out looking for filesharing software related stuff but there's so much info out there about everything, I kind of got lost. I get sidetracked easily these days. Anyway, I'm at and gotta get back to the search. Had fun and thanks, mike

At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peer & Gan. Some of these blog sites have more info on them than the regular websites. I've been searching websites looking for filesharing software related info, I decided to try blog sites. And it seems like everybody has one but me. Anyway, I'm trying to improve the traffic flow to my site at and needed more substantive information I could use but got sidetracked again. Back to my search. Had fun though. Thanks Peer & Gan, Mike

At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi and hello there Peer & Gan, I get sidetracked easily these days. After spending many hours checking out websites looking for mp3 music sharing related info. I decided to try some blog sites. I found much more usable and updated information on the blog related sites than the regular websites...this is very cool. I gotta get me one of these when I find the time. My site at needed some updated info. After that, I thought I would check out some of the other kind of blog sites. Some are pretty cool. It's been fun. Thanks Peer & Gan, mike


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