Thursday, June 02, 2005

LCC Lawyers Support San Francisco Hotel Workers

Hotel workers in San Francisco have been battling with a multi-employer group to obtain collective bargaining agreements with continued comprehensive health care, fair wage increases, fully funded pensions and card check neutrality. Here's the latest from UNITE-HERE's website:
On Tuesday, May 31, UNITE HERE Local 2 and the Multi-Employer Group (MEG)
representing fourteen San Francisco hotels headed back to the bargaining table
for the first time in three and a half months. Local 2 members had been waiting
for a response to their latest contract offer made to the hotels on February

The hotels are feeling the heat as numerous groups such as GLAAD and the American Federation of Teachers pull their conferences and other events from hotels involved in the dispute. Several weeks ago, a large group of labor lawyers from the AFL-CIO Lawyers Coordinating Committee ("LCC") joined Local 2 members on the picket line outside the Westin St. Francis hotel. The lawyers were in town for the LCC's conference, which took place at the San Francisco Marriott. This is the very same hotel LCC lawyers picketed several years ago as part of another contract dispute, and the Marriott workers went on to win a contract. Not that we're taking all the credit for victory here, but let's hope the efforts of "the mighty, mighty lawyers" help those currently fighting for a decent way of life.


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